Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Snippets: A Catholic Blog Carnival, September 26th

I'm new to the "Sunday Snippets" group, a Catholic blog carnival where Catholic bloggers share their favorite posts from the week. I'm excited to be a part of this virtual Catholic writers community!

My submissions are:

Living room concert with Rosie Thomas
(a fantastic musician whose music you should hear if you haven't yet)
From Drudgery to Prayer (reflections on sanctifying daily work)
You Know You are a Frequent Bus Rider When... (thoughts from my commuting life)

What did you post about this week? Stop by the weekly Catholic Carnival and share what you've been blogging. Be sure to visit RAnn at This, That and the Other Thing and check out some posts from other bloggers participating in Sunday Snippets this week. You're invited to share a blog post or two from last week. Here are my contributions for this week:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining us. It is always fun making new friends
