Sunday, September 19, 2010

The best company

“My idea of good company, Mr. Elliot, is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.”

“You are mistaken,” said he gently, “that is not good company, that is the best.”
—Jane Austen, Persuasion

I recently read this quote on a blog post from the IMAGE blog and it instantly resonated with me. I thought..."a-ha! Yes, that is what I call good company too." Then I began thinking, appreciating, how so many of my friends and acquaintances fit this description; how I enjoy their cleverness, their intellect, and their conversation.

This weekend I feel like I was particularly blessed with a plethora of amazing, thought-provoking conversations with friends, old and new. We talked about vocation, femininity, music, relationships, politics, food, nutrition, expectations, hopes, and dreams.

I am so grateful for this good company. You dear friends inspire me, challenge me, encourage me, entertain me, and enlighten me. What a gift this is, to walk through the valley of life, trudging up and down the paths together, with such true and heartfelt companions.

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