Sunday, February 21, 2010

The way He loves us

I think that every once in awhile we all have powerful epiphanies of gratitude, realizing that what we have been given in this particular moment is not only good, but uniquely meant for us by the Heavenly Father. I had one of these moments the other day, when I was walking into an art museum cafe where I sometimes have lunch. It's a beautiful little cafe in the front of the museum, and it's just a fun, peaceful place to eat my lunch. I thought to myself, "Hey, this is pretty cool that I can come to an art museum cafe whenever I want!" I can also walk around the lovely grounds of Constitution Gardens or the Elipse on my lunch hour, taking in the lovely sights for a midday reprieve.

When I learned that I had gotten the job at my current organization, I was quite excited about the opportunity to work in such a beautiful, magnificent building. Though like any job where you get caught up in the routine and just get used to your surroundings, I too can just take for granted my working environment. But when it come down to it, I work in a lovely space; at least several times each day, I take the white rod iron spiral staircase in the library (for staff use only) just because it makes me feel like I am a character in a novel or some romantic scene. (Remember Marianne the Librarian? ) Or I like to watch the sunlight stream in the large windows of our office, with the regal marble columns framing the scene of the Washington monument and the bustling landscape. I love passing by the little museum rooms decorated according to different time 18th and 19th century furnishing styles, and hearing the classical folk music emanating from the museum gift shop. Working in a beautiful and pleasant environment has always been important to me – I am not the kind of girl that would take easily to working in a grey, monotone cubicle without windows.

Being in a place which is welcoming and inviting really affects the way that I am inspired and work. And so, when I found out that I got a job at this organization, I remember thinking, “How good God is. He knows how much I loves pretty things, old fashioned loveliness, and a welcoming space that inspires and soothes the soul. What a good Father, who gives me a job that corresponds with these little things that He knows will bring me simple delight and joy each day.” There was something so special about that realization: that God is an indulgent Father who surprises us beyond our expectations in the little ways He uniquely blesses each one of us with joy. So when I get frustrated with my job, or bored, or start questioning what I am doing at the moment, I like to think of this little reminder of His sweet faithfulness. I would encourage you to reflect on this as well. How has God given you blessings that correspond to you and the things you most treasure?

It’s kind of like when a family member or friend gives you a gift that you just love; that person knows you so well, is able to find something to give you that they know will bring you great joy. And so it is with Our Heavenly Father, who knows us better than we know our own selves; every once in awhile, we realize just how perfectly His little gifts “fit” us, and that indeed, His love is extravagant.

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