Monday, August 30, 2010

The simple thing that makes a Saint

I went to a talk a few months ago, and the priest kept emphasizing that,

"The difference between a regular person and a saint is that the saint perseveres."

Let's face it, life is hard, and we all struggles under the weight of many crosses, hardships, and challenges. Discouragement so easily sets in, and destroys the peace of our hearts and the shaky trust of our souls. Many times, its so much easier to give into discouragement than it is to choose perseverance. Inherent in perseverance is not simply the ability to continue picking up our crosses, but picking up our crosses in faith that God will bring good out of our hardships and gradually accomplish His perfect purpose in us.

I woke up this morning very discouraged. Ironic after my post yesterday, but sometimes, experiences discouragement is a very natural response to difficulties - a feeling that just comes upon us. There are a number of aspects in my life right now that I wish weren't going the way they are. I have been in a job for nearly a year that I do not enjoy - it doesn't challenge me or stretch me professionally, and my dedicated efforts to find something better haven't been fruitful so far. I still don't really have any idea what my vocation is, whether I am to be married, or religious, or simply stay single forever. It's difficult to proceed with blind faith on that one, while simultaneously seeking clarity about God's will for me. I am rather pennyless, and although I can gratefully afford the basic necessities of life, it's frustrating not to be able to afford a car and have the independence that a personal vehicle brings.

The difference between a regular person and a saint is that a saint perseveres.

So instead of giving into discouragement, I will try to invoke the Holy Spirit to help me trudge on in faith, that "in difficult moments I might not become despondent but submit myself to His most holy will, which is love and mercy itself."

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