Sunday, January 24, 2010

Writing practice

Every time I start a blog (which has been a few) I do so with the intention of using it as a way to practice writing. Since college, I haven’t had the opportunity to write that much, but it is a passion of mine that I want to develop further. I have been convicted recently of the need to discipline myself to just sit down and write; for writing cannot be developed or improved without practice, and I am letting this side of me just lay dominant. As a single young professional, I am busy with various commitments and activities, but of any time in my life, this is the time to make daily writing a habit.

I have no lack of inspiration of things to write about either. As I work in downtown Washington, D.C., and have a daily commute of at least an hour via bus, metro, and walking, I have plenty of time to people watch, observe the world, and witness small glimpses into the lives of these individuals. Through these experiences I am continually amused, entertained, and touched. So perhaps this blog will be a venue to record these observations. Because after all, good writers have to be perceptive individuals who take in the little details of the people, places, and events in the world and are able to portray these things to others through words. So my hope is to be able to paint little city vignettes through words that will entertain, provoke, and inspire readers. Writing on here four times a week would be a good goal, so, here goes!

1 comment:

  1. You have a great style, so I would definitely encourage you in your writing. I am trying to discipline myself enough to write the book I have always wanted to put together. 6500 words in and I feel the need to redo it. At least it won't be from scratch **shrug.**
